Personal exhibition of Katya Belkina in Kazan
On April 27 at the Museum of A.M. Gorky in Kazan opens a personal exhibition of one of the most interesting Moscow photographers working in the genre "Digital photo", Katerina Belkina.
Katya is a regular author and hero of publications in leading Russian magazines dedicated to photography. While critics are breaking the mines in discussions about whether it is possible to use digital processing in photography, Katya proves on the example of her creativity that in the case of the final artistic independence of the work, the technique of performance fades into the background, as visitors to the Kazan exhibition will be able to see.
Brief information about the author: "Since the very time she was born (1974), she began to draw and dance alternately, which I do to this day. Around me, a fabulous fantasy world was created from birth by my parents - people with incredible imagination, subtle artistic flair. Therefore, from the beginning of my existence it was already clear that one way or another I would have to become a creative person, whatever I chose next.
That's how it happened - art school, school, then work in a publishing house, where for the first time the work of hands on paper crossed with computer work. The photo was always present nearby. Grandpa and dad were filming, and when I was a baby, I knew where the magic pictures on the photo paper came from. I just recently remembered that I went to a photo club for the first time in the fifth grade. And she studied at the photo school at the conscious age of 26 years.
As for the fine arts, until that time I was fond of everything - sculpting, drawing, cutting, embroidering, gluing, etc. And I had no idea what would become the main, important for me. In general, the question of "what" has never stood. It's a matter of technology and tools. There was always a question of "what". I painted with oil. Then work on TV (3D screensavers). At the same time, I shot a lot. It was at this moment that what has always been, but has taken shape only now began to be born - what you can observe now. My creative family helps me with this - my two little fairies Polina and Veronica, my beloved husband Alexey Lebedinsky is a wonderful photographer and musician".
About 50 works are presented at the exhibition in the museum. Katerina Belkina's work shows how to realize your fantasies and teaches improvisation.
The opening of the exhibition will take place at 18.00. The exhibition is open until May 15.
April 27, 6pm
Exhibition period:
April 27 – May 15, 2007
Venue address:
Maxim Gorky St., d. 10
Republic of Tatarstan,