Der Fotograf, der „Selfies“ auf ein neues Level hebt

10 Selbstporträts von Katerina Belkina, die große Gemälde repräsentieren In dieser Serie stilisierter Selbstporträts erforscht Katerina Belkina die Ausdruckskraft ihrer geliebten Künstler wie Lempicka, Picasso, Degas, Malevich und Klimt (um nur einige zu nennen). Sie zollt ihnen Tribut durch eine Kombination aus Fotografie, Malerei und minimaler digitaler Bearbeitung.
Thanasis Karatzas, Athens Voice, Januar 14, 2018
The photographer who goes "selfies" to another level
10 self-portraits of Katerina Belkina who represent large paintings
In this series of stylized self-portraits, Katerina Belkina explores the expressive power of her beloved artists, Lempicka, Picasso, Degas, Malevich and Klimt (to name a few), giving them a tribute to a combination of photography, painting and marginal digital processing.
Belkina sees an important creative force in the intensity and interaction between the painter and the model. In addition to identifying with her masters - which explores her role and existence as an artist - she also places herself in the position of the artist's model, allowing not only to become a spectator but also to interact with this exchange.


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