Gastgeber des 7. Korea International Photo Festival

Das 7. Korea International Photo Festival 2020 wird vom Organisationskomitee des Korea International Photo Festival veranstaltet (So. 17.–23. (Sa.) Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Design
Reporter Jong-chan Lee / 최원호 기자, The Preview, Mai 14, 2020
The 7th Korea International Photo Festival 2020 hosted by the Organizing Committee of the Korea International Photo Festival (Sun) 17th–23th (Sat) Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Design It is held in an art museum.

The theme of this festival, which shows the current point of view of modern photographic art that changes rapidly in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution and predicts the future change, is 'The Horizons of relations'. In the 21st century, the era of 'relationship', the main exhibitions that reexamine serious reflections and reflections on the life of today, Ryan Schude, Katerina Belkina, Rania Matar, and Lace Phone Through the relationship between Lais Pontes and others, they present messages about the human origins of the contemporaries.
It is also possible to purchase works at photo fairs with special exhibitions and special exhibitions on 'The Horizon of Relations'

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