Das 7. Korea International Photo Festival findet im Seoul Arts Center statt

Reporter Jung Yoon Lee, Daily Environment, Mai 15, 2020

From May the 17th at the Hangaram Design Museum with the theme of "Horizon of Relations"


'The 7th Korea International Photo Festival (Korea International Photo Festival 2020)' will be held on the 17th at the Hangaram Design Museum, Seoul Arts Center with the theme of 'The Horizons of relations'. 

In the 21st century, the era of 'relationship', the main exhibitions that re-examine serious reflections and reflections on the lives of today, include Ryan Schude, Katerina Belkina, Rania Matar, and Lace Phone. Through the relationship between Lais Pontes and others, it reminds me of the messages of human origin from the contemporaries. 

In the special exhibition, Sang-Woo Ko, Jin-Hee Kim, Jae-Gap Lee, and Won-Sik Won will participate in the theme of 'relationship.' Whether they are social animals or not, they consider the complex and diversified sociality of a series of events that occur during relationships. 

In the 'Viewfinder of KIPF', which consists of three sections: Korean Sex Search, Choice 2020, and Portrait of the Era, Koenjae, Niko de la faye, Kim Byeong-tae, Kim Young-jae, Kim Yong-hwan , Yeo Sang-hyun, Eun-suk Yoon, Cheol-gyu Jang, and Ryu-gyu Ryu can look into the eyes of the artists who have looked through the viewfinder with consistent long breathing. 

In particular, KOREA PHOTO, a photo fair, can look at the colorful spectrum displayed by 18 artists armed with unique colors, and the exhibited works are expected to be a photo marketplace that can be purchased in the field through dialogue with the artist.

In addition, 'All that Photobook', which exhibits colorful and photo collections where you can see the harmony of organic photos emitted by strong works of personality, will be held.

This exhibition will be held for 1 week from May 17 to 23.

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