Das 7. Internationale Fotofestival in Korea "The Horizon of Relationship"

Die Hauptausstellung des Korea International Photo Festival 2020 untersucht die veränderten „Beziehungen“ des 21. Jahrhunderts und die Fragen und Überlegungen zu unserem Leben in dieser Ära zum Thema „Der Horizont der Beziehungen“.
Reporter Oh Gun-ho, Korea Trade News, Mai 19, 2020

Period: 2020.5.17 (Sun) -23 (Sat)

* Closed on May 18 (Mon)

* Viewing time: 10:00 AM-7:00 PM

Participating Artists: Over 1000 exhibitors from around the world

Venue: Exhibition Hall 1, 2, 3, Hangaram Design Museum, Seoul Arts Center

Hosted by: Korea International Photo Festival Organizing Committee


Main Exhibition - Horizon of Relationship

The main exhibition of the 2020 Korea International Photo Festival re-examines the changed 'relationship' of the 21st century and the questions and reflections on our lives in this era on the theme of "the horizon of relations".


Each photographer from the United States, Russia, Lebanon, Brazil and this year's main exhibition is telling stories with incredible insight into how 'relationship' affects our lives and how they change lives. By showing each person who lives in different environments and living in different environments with their own perspectives, it reminds us of how we form and change relationships in a complex and diversified modern society. This exhibition will be a valuable opportunity to communicate and experience various 'relationships' of the changed society.


Artistic Director

Joanne Junga Yang


Participating artists 

Ryan Schude

Katerina Belkina

Rania Matar

Lais Pontes


Special Exhibition - Relation

7th International Photo Festival exhibition of the Republic of Korea was chosen as the theme of "relational person (人) '. In philosophy, the dictionary meaning of relationship (relation) is about two or more objects, and there is 'person' at the center of the relationship. Man is inevitably influenced by 'relationship', whether he wants to be a social animal or not, and lives in a series of events, large and small. In this special exhibition, four photographers, Sang-Woo Ko, Jin-Hee Kim, Jae-Gap Lee, and Beom-Sik Won, will meet various spectrums of portraits through different ideas and insights at the relational level.


Special Exhibition Director 



Participating artists:

Sangwoo Go 

Jinhee Kim 

Lee Jae Gap



Viewfinder of KIPF

Artists reinterpret the world's language in their own language through tens of thousands of windows. The camera's viewfinder is always narrow because of the stirring imagination and explosive intellectual curiosity.


The Viewfinder of KIPF focused on the artist's spirit of exploring clear subject matter consciousness, consistent long breathing, and authenticity. The 2020 Viewfinder of KIPF, which consists of three sections: Korean Sex Search, Choice 2020, and Portrait of the Times, is High Plateau, Niko de la faye, Kim Byeong-tae, Kim Young-jae, Kim Yong-hwan, Yeo Sang-hyun, Yoon Eun-suk, Jang Cheol-gyu The nine artists' reflections through the viewfinder will be a serious time to look into the gaze, throwing a question mark toward the world for 20 to 40 years, such as Ryu Eun-gyu.



Won Chun Ho


# 1 sought South Korea Province (性): Arisu Arirang _ plateau again

# 2 Choice 2020_ Niko de la faye, Byeongtae Kim, Youngjae Kim, Yonghwan Kim, Sanghyeon Yeo, Eunsook Yoon, Cheolkyu Jang

# 3 Portrait of Era_ Memory of Chuncheon Prison 100 Years-Ryu Eun-kyu


KOREA PHOTO (Photo Fair)

Photos Korea (KOREA PHOTO) and is the largest photo fair held in Seoul, is a contemporary exhibition you can see the current status of Korea picture. It is a photo marketplace that can be purchased directly in the field while presenting the merchandise along with the works of various eyes with a single theme. Korea Photo, where you can meet the diverse spectrum of artists armed with unique colors, will be a place of pleasure for those who consume photography culture and a place of learning for those who start photography.

This year, three gallery directors and organizing committees are screened to select the gallery award winners.


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