Selbstporträts als Hommage an Van Gogh, Lempicka, Malewitsch, Klimt, Kahlo, Picasso

Eine Serie von Selbstporträts von der aus Samara/Russland kommenden und in Berlin lebenden Künstlerin und Fotografin Katerina Belkina, die allesamt wichtigen Persönlichkeiten aus der Kunst-Welt gewidment sind.
WHUDAT, Februar 13, 2015
For her works, the Russian has combined her knowledge of painting, photography, post-production and her knowledge of the styles of the different artists, creating her own tribute to each artist. Here we see Belkina as a very good Van Gogh copy or a flawless Klimt, Picasso also gets what he needs and dear Edgar Degas would have been happy too:





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