Our first NFT drop
You may have heard the term NFT before. It stands for Non-Fungible Token, meaning a non-exchangeable token. NFTs turn digital images into collectibles that are displayed and traded in online galleries. PHOTOPIA Hamburg gives away NFT photographs as souvenirs to its visitors and helps them get started with the new technology.
NFT and the related blockchain technology have revolutionized the digital art market in recent years. While analogue images are often unique, digital photos can usually be copied one-to-one any number of times without the original being recognizable. They are therefore not interesting for collectors. In the case of NFT artworks that are located in online galleries and traded on platforms such as OpenSea, on the other hand, the owner and the original can be clearly identified.
One NFT per wallet can only be mined during the PHOTOPIA from October 13th to 16th. During this period, however, it remains a secret from which photographers you will have an NFT in your wallet. Only after the end of the event will this secret be revealed. We will announce the exact date for the unveiling on Instagram and the website.
photo artists
André Wagner
Ben Hopper
Caroline Heinecke
Christian Popkes
Dennis Schmelz
Frank Herfort
Heiko Hellwig
Helmut Grill
Jan C. Schlegel
Jan von Holleben
Katerina Belkina
Rainer Hosch
Sandra Bartocha
Simon Puschmann
Stephan Gabriel
Thomas Pöhler
Concept by André Wagner
The concept for the NFT project at PHOTOPIA was developed by the Berlin photo artist André Wagner (andrewagner.com/nft). The implementation of the necessary components on the Ethereum blockchain is carried out by PROCON IT from Garching. The ALL IN NFT team is on hand to support PHOTOPIA visitors with the first steps in Web3, setting up their own crypto wallet and helping them receive the NFTs. André Wagner: "I can still remember exactly how not so long ago I blocked myself from 'all this newfangled stuff'". "But at some point the incredible possibilities of this new technology opened up for me, not only as an artist but also as a collector."
Maybe you feel the same way. If your interest has been aroused, you can take the first steps at PHOTOPIA - and of course later offer your own photos as NFT for sale!