"The concept of reflection is central to my work. Who am I? What can I give to nature? How can I change society?"
What truths lie hidden within us? Katerina Belkina engages her distinctive visual language for the tangible expressions of abstract emotions to take us on a journey of self-realization.
Capturing the realistic nature of characters through photography while using painting techniques to transform the tone and experience of spaces, Belkina asks us to take a closer look at ourselves, our presumptions, and our society.
Resonating with particular urgency, Belkina embodies the energy of human interactions in her work, allowing her to deconstruct our social fabric, enlightening deeper and more nuanced perspectives on how we connect with the world around us.
Through four key series of work, viewers of Layers of Self experience Belkina’s artistic practice of portraiture reveal new outlooks on how art can be a vehicle for the complexities of humanity to take on physical form.