Works by around 50 Lower Saxony and international artists
At the end of 2016, the art association Kunsthalle Hannover e.V. is presenting a selection of photographic and filmic documents, objects, paintings and drawings by Lower Saxony and international artists under the title “Art AffAir 2”. What all those involved have in common is that they have previously been shown at the Kunsthalle faust. “Art AffAir 2” is aimed at collectors of contemporary art and especially at lovers of the Hanover scene: In addition to large-format paintings and photographs, sculptures, objects and multiples are also offered. With a bit of luck, you can auction off very affordable and exceptional works of art. On the day of the opening, interested buyers can be granted a right of first refusal at the minimum bid. The exhibition days offer a good opportunity for previews. All works of art can be auctioned on the final day of the auction.
Jelili Atiku
Katerina Belkina
Königliche Braut
Arthur Clay
Stefan Derben
Max Elzholz
Christian Etongo
Zhou Fei
Vera Frese
Anna Grunemann
Soazic Guezennec
Dagmar und Thomas Helmbold
Helmut Hennig
Vincent Huang
Ziad El Kilani
Stefan Lang
Ingo Lie
Christiane Oppermann
Tom Otto
Katarina Sickert
Herve Yamguen
Angelika Zeisberg
and more.
Curator: Harro Schmidt, Kunsthalle Faust
Kurator Kunsthalle Faust
Zur Bettfedernfabrik 3
30451 Hannover
Phone 0049 (0)511 · 213 48 60
Opening hours
Th/Fr: 4pm – 8pm
Sa/SU: 2pm – 6pm