She is one of the greatest contemporary artists and one of the representatives of the new generation of photographers. The Russian Katerina Belkina is a rising star in the world of imagery with her perfect aesthetic creations and her unique vision of art. To compose her digital canvases, stunning women devote all their sensuality to a gaze that exudes a fatal fascination. This is how her images are: strong, attractive, and lascivious, but with a touch of social critique wrapped in a beautiful package. These photographs are being presented to the public at the Art Paris Art Fair, where Belkina exhibits her beauties in a futuristic metropolis that has been recreated but seems empty, and this is precisely the name of this scene: *Empty Opacities*. A totally imagined urban space designed in the image and likeness of a metropolis where the human being feels increasingly solitary and abandoned. Attention: any resemblance to reality is pure optical illusion. This photographer's vision challenges our eyes to look beyond the obvious and recognize a new, purely materialistic society in expansion— a society that is constantly transforming and taking away our values without us noticing.