Publisher: FOTOINIT e.V.
Dimensions: 16.5 x 22.5 cm
Pages: 152
Light and Heavy
Selection, Katerina Belkina, 2014
The eastern concept implies that even a successful, smart and beautiful woman can only be a whole when paired with a man, while in the western world a man is not at all a key element for the self-realization of a woman. Paradoxically, the East European (and particularly Russian) cultural tradition absorbed both these ideas, thus charging a modern woman with ever growing over-responsibility and making her constantly strive to keep up with the man. At the same time she is a consumer and a commodity. Under the pressure of society and especially of her own, she is in a permanent state of both competing for her position next to the man and presenting herself.

In between, repetitions of the repetition lined up. A loop of always the same. We confess: There is neither the beginning nor the end. Because we move on an endless line that loops from beginning to end. We are confused, having been taught that history is a linear sequence of events. Held together by causalities constructed after the fact, it must inevitably make sense. you lied to us Because time is a stream that pulls us into the hole of the present. So if the meaning of our time cannot be justified with a causal sense, what can? Or to put it another way: Who has the authority to interpret the meaning of our existence? The self-exaggerated individual, the indefinable mass of the social majority or quite different opinion enhancers? Who are we? We bravely cast off our role corset and try to ignore the internalized voice of social should, must and may. We come to ourselves again and listen to ourselves. Silence. Empty.