CAPTION Magazine Nº11

Sept-Oct 2021

Dimensions: A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)

Pages: 96
CAPTION Magazine Nº11
publication period: September-October 2021
ISSN 0716-0879
Fairy tales are a constant ingredient of all The cultures. They inform and describe a culture because, among other things, reflect social norms and solidify those standards under its distribution. This distribution is done mainly through oral tradition. Brothers Grimm have collected fairy tales from various sources to consolidate them in writing. This is how the tales of Grimm's fairies have become a literary reference and culture in Europe and in countries of European influence.

One thing connects Grimm's tales with those of other cultures and thus indicates the existence of universally felt. I am referring to those narrative and material elements archetypal, which also often figure in dreams, which are used to personify good and evil or to indicate a transformation, like the good or bad fairy or the apple that assumes a catalytic function in a transformative process. Like any good story, when told well, tales of fairies incite images of their narratives in our heads. They stimulate the imagination and are supposed to sharpen our judgment through his exemplary character. Katerina Belkina left be inspired by the stories to create your interpretation of them.

His images, in terms of their permanence, must be placed between the written and oral tradition. On the one hand obviously visualize the story, on the other hand, do not limit the viewer in their imagination. The images continue in one's mind and thus one can become a Dreamwalker. In a era in which cultural identity is taken very seriously, it is important to find common points and roots. This is what allow Belkina's works and what she does historically and in the current discourse so relevant.









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