Art Fair Cataloge

Publisher: Art Paris Art Fair.

Dimensions: 148 x 200 x 30 mm

Pages: 424



Some 140 international galleries from 20 countries have come together from 27th to 30' March 2014 under the celestial dome of the Grand Palais, presenting a wide-ranging panorama of modern and contemporary art that includes photography, design and art publishing.

The selection of galleries for 2014 goes one step further towards confirming the event's new identity adopted three years ago: a European fair that explores the countries of the East (Central Europe, Middle East and Asia.) Following in the wake of last year's invitation to Russia as guest of honour. a number of galleries have come from Asia. Although Art Paris Art Fair is becoming increasingly international (50% of foreign galleries this year compared to 43% in 2013), the fair remains committed to supporting those who constitute its foundations in Europe and France, where it remains deeoly anchored

In addition to China as guest of honour, Art Paris Art Fair presents several thematic sections that encourage discovery: "Promises", devoted to young galleries, "ArtDesign" exploring contemporary design, "Art Books Librairie Flammarion" for art books and a space showcasing contemporary book binding.

A large number of events are also taking place -the ArtDesign Prize, the exhibition of the finalists of the Canson Prize for Art and Paper, a series of books signings and conferences, the VIP orogramme of visits making Art Paris Art Fair 2014 the place to be this Spring. Our warmest thanks go to the members of the selection committee, the galleries, Paris institutions and partners for their commitment and contribution to the revival of Art Paris Art Fair.

Guillaume Piens
Fair Director

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